Sunday, September 5, 2010

Speaking Test 2: Open Debate

Assalamualaikum my brothers and sisters from PIP 5 and 6. Sorry for a late posting. Some of your friends texted me, asking about the topics that we are going to be debated right after Raya Holiday.They are so enthusiastic....(It sounds that you got something to research...this holiday). These are the topics of our open debate.

a) Maths and Science in English: It should not be taught in our primary and secondary school.

b) Men is more creative than women.

c) 1 Malaysia concept is good for Malaysian.

d) Rules and regulation of Kolej Profesional MARA Bandar Penawar prepares students to well-disciplined people.

e) Female students are better than male students in term of academic achievement in varsities/colleges

f) Local products have low quality and not competitive globally.

You are free to be government (to support) or opposition (to oppose) to each notion. Please make sure you do research and be provided with facts, figure or anything related to these topics. Marks will be given for those who join actively in this open debate. Thank you and wassalam


Afida Anuar said...

aaa..i wanna join!! i wanna join!!

can aa bro bayu?:P

Reading Review said...

can2...need to invite other bloggers also..UJ, Khairi and so on..hehe