Friday, December 21, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya 'IdulAdha


After three posts of "music and me".. I think, I need a rest.
Before I start blogging, I would like to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA "Idul all people who aways visit my blog loyally

Mostly, except fore those who live at Kelantan and Terengganu, this celebration is not much more celebrated..but this is not the issue...

How you define the element of sacrifice and offering that we always mention when Hari Raya "idul adha comes?
How it affects your life? and is this celebration significant in your life?

Do not mumble it or do a monologue to give your opinion. Yet, please comment this post to express your thought, perception, perspective and anything about Hari Raya "idul Adha...

Your participation in this blog is warmly welcomed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum bro.....
regarding to Idul Adha celebration
well, i have nothing to say, really
for I had never been taught on
how to celebrate it nor how to appreciate it
i'm ashamed of myself to tell you this bro
my mind is still not that 100 percently islamic
yet i'm trying everyday
and i'm surely will go for it
as it's the way of life
maybe you have books to recommend
to feed my brain on any issue that related